Thursday, July 21, 2011

Old Journal Entry from 2004; Hope Lost

I found myself going through some old journals of mine for material for my book.  I came across this one and found it so sad but so telling of that time in my life.  Here it is, for what it's worth.

Journal Entry 12/11/04

It's been a very rough couple of weeks.  I tapered off the Zoloft and started Cymbalta in hopes it would work on my pain.  But, either I'm not responding to Cymbalta or it hasn't kicked in yet.  Last week was so horribly miserable.  I didn't feel suicidal but I felt so dead inside.  I just wanted relief.  So, now I am taking the Cymbalta along with 100 mg of Zoloft (half of my previous dose).  Almost immediately after my doctor put me back on the Zoloft, I felt a lot better.  I am really struggling with my role as a parent right now.  I haven't been getting a lot of good sleep and I'm fighting the cold Nicholas has.  But, I have no desire to really engage and play with my little guy.  This makes me feel horribly sad and guilty.  I feel so burned out.  But, why?  Todd's been home all week on vacation.  This has helped me tremendously.  Since my med. change has been so tough and I've been feeling so tired, etc. it's been great to get some relief from full time parenting. 

Nicholas is the cutest, smartest, funniest, most imaginative little boy.  I absolutely adore him!  But, with winter here and the days long and dark and Todd gone 12 hours a day, I feel lonely, anxious and restless.  I'm having great difficulty being motivated and staying in the present.  Then when I do get a break on Tuesdays and Thursdays when he's at his little school, I feel so incredibly relieved.  When I get sitters so I can go to therapy, get my massage or whatever, Nicholas usually loves it.  But, I feel guilty!  I feel like a bad mom or inadequate when I need a break from playing trains or his imaginative animal games.  I feel like I'm failing him somehow.  I still feel so clueless sometimes in my parenting.  I can see clearly who and what I do not want to be.

I don't want to:   -have the TV on all day
                              - leave him alone all day or ignore him
                              - yell, spank or shame him

                             - ignore him so I can do my own stuff

                             - squash his imagination/creativity and self esteem

I do want:  - to read to him

                     -encourage him to play independently

                      - give him uninterrupted time alone with me each day

                      - be silly with him

                      - set clear limits with him

I find this last one so difficult because sometimes I don't even know what is okay and what isn't.  What is good/normal parenting vs. what is poor parenting.  I'm very unsure and confused a lot.  When he ever said, "I need a new Mommy because you are always sick and have too many boo-boos", he really struck a chord in me.  I often feel very broken and incomplete because of my Fibromyalgia.  I'm so tired and sick, especially in this weather.  Just being sick causes me to feel inadequate as a mother.  Not to mention, as a wife.  Todd is pulling 90% and I'm only doing 10% lately.  More guilt.  Add to all of this my desire for another baby and the conflicting emotions that brings up.  Ugh.  I'm thinking of seeing a new naturopath.  The person I was seeing was so nice but just not a clear communicator and I really feel like I need a take charge, motivated person to help me to hope again. 

Is there a lost and found box for hope? 

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Enough really is Enough

Well, here I am on a beautiful, sunny summer day inside on my computer.  I am feeling mixed about this.  I would rather be outside sitting (okay, I admit it.........lying) on a chair but I feel compelled to write.  And when I feel that way I can only put if off for so long.  My last entry was all about coming off some medications.  I am happy to say that I am still here and did not fall off the planet as I felt I might.  I was successful in coming off one medication.  With the help of my naturopath, detox tea, gallons (I kid you not) of lemon water and literally and figuratively "sweating it out", I made it.  Shockingly, I was determined to wean off not just one medication but two medications simultaneously.  Yes, I like to have very high expectations of myself so that if (more likely when) I am unable to reach those often unattainable goals, I can slap myself around a bit.  It's such fun.  Lest I stay stuck in the past, I must say that I am learning!  It is not too late to re-program our brains, people!  Okay, so it's taken me almost 20 years to begin to actually do this, but hey I am trying!  Coming off medications can turn a fairly stable girl into a cross between Freddy Krueger and Regan McNeil (a.k.a. Linda Blair in the Exorcist).  Truly, I could hardly recognize myself, I was such a mess.  Not only did I feel physically sick, I was also on the most elaborate emotional roller coaster ever to be experienced. I wasn't able to sleep either, which was such a nice addition to all the excitement!  Take pregnancy, puberty, pms, menopause and times them all by 100.  That is a pretty accurate description of how I was feeling.  If you did not have the pleasure of being around me during this time, I'm really sorry you missed it.  I was a blast.   So, in the midst of trying to do something positive for my body, my body was also in complete upheaval and turmoil.  "How can this even be worth it?", I would cry to my husband.  I believe he was thinking the same thing, although I doubt it was about my medication!  On the sixth day of not sleeping, I finally realized that, strangely, I am not Superwoman.  This is always such a shock to me every time I come to this conclusion!!!  Enough was Enough!!!!! So, I sucked it up and went back on a small dose of my Klonopin so I could get some desperately needed sleep.  That first night of sleep was as good as eating the most decadent chocolate dessert.  I cannot even tell you how amazing I felt after a few more nights of blissful sleep.   So, as if I needed any added proof, I knew I had made the right decision.  However, the Wellbutrin is gone.  So are the little electric shocks that made me feel like I was going to tear my hair out.  Phew.  I made it.  Okay, so, I'm still on some Klonopin. However, I am down by one full dose.  And you know what?  That's okay.  I am okay (I may be channeling a little Stuart Smalley here).  I'm doing exactly what I would tell my best friend to do.  I'm taking care of me.  So, maybe I really want to get off the Klonopin forever.  I will.  When I'm ready.  Right now, I am enough.  And isn't that what we all need and want to feel in the long run?  Ahhh.  Maybe I do have some super powers after all.  I'm Super Me.  And that is good enough.